An increasing number of cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) originating in China have been confirmed in Canada and the US. Provincial, Canadian and international bodies are actively monitoring the situation, communicating developments and providing guidance as new information becomes available.
Keep yourself and others safe
To reduce the risk of spreading infection around the work- place, currently Industrial Machine & Mfg. Inc. (IMM) has implemented the following:
• Wash hands and face regularly with soap and water
• Stay home if you are experiencing symptoms
• Consult your doctor (or 811) as soon as possible if you are concerned about your symptoms
• IMM encourages other forms of meetings with customers/vendors to include: TEAMS, Web-ex etc.
• Where possible, all staff must work from home
• All staff are to keep a minimum of 6ft between one another
• Staggered break times to minimize gatherings
• Extra cleaning/sanitizing of all work areas, including machine centres
• Anyone showing any symptoms, will not be allowed in workplace
• Visitor restrictions
Business travel restriction
As we are following all Government recommendations, we are banning all travel until further notice.
What you need to know
IMM takes its lead from national health authorities, who hold responsibility for nationwide co-ordination of pandemic response. The federal government would activate the national pandemic plan if necessary. Once this is activated, the corporate crisis management team could activate our internal response plan.
What do we know about this virus?
Coronavirus is a large family of viruses that most often cause flu-like symptoms. Coronavirus causes Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS).
What should I do if I suspect I am infected?
Most people with common Coronavirus illness recover
on their own. Consult your health care provider if you are concerned about your symptoms. Symptoms are similar to the common cold (runny nose, headache, cough, sore throat, fever) and are usually mild to moderate.
What should I do if I recently returned from a high-risk location or out of the country?
It is mandatory to go into quarantine for 14 days and monitor your symptoms.
Who do I contact for more information?
Contact your local health region or search these terms online:
• World Health Organization daily situation reports
• Health Canada
• Government of Saskatchewan